Big Data and Industry 4.0

Big Data and Industry 4.0

Big Data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. What is relevant to understanding Big Data is that what is done with the data is what matters. Big Data can be analyzed for...
How Manitoba is preparing for Industry 4.0

How Manitoba is preparing for Industry 4.0

In the coming days, a series of presentations will be posted on our website which will identify the key elements of Industry 4.0, Manitoba’s need to proceed in this direction, and participants who are already working with these technologies. What is Industry 4.0?...
Hubble spots Saturn ‘northern lights’

Hubble spots Saturn ‘northern lights’

EnviroTREC has written and reproduced several stories about northern lights on our webpages. Here is a story about “northern lights” on Saturn! The gas planet’s aurora was seen dancing across its north pole Originally written by Nicole Mortillaro for CBC News on...
Northern lights at GLACIER

Northern lights at GLACIER

When we think of the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, we somehow think that they are not that far away, perhaps only a few kilometers up. The Northern Lights are actually generated from distances of 100 to more than 240 kilometers above the Earth....